Daughter slaps mother, yanks her hair out for having husband over

20-year-old Danielle Jones was charged with domestic assault when she slapped her mother and yanked her hair out because her husband came over for a visit.

Clarksville man punches and spits on officer while being detained

29-year-old Robert Mintlow was charged with resisting arrest, evading arrest, and two counts of assault after he was involved in a fight, ran from police, punched an officer in the head, and then spit on them as he was being detained.

Women seen in dumpster behind City Thrift attempt to flee by foot; found to have meth and fentanyl

39-year-old Connie Bartosch and 37-year-old Tiffany Taylor were charged with methamphetamine, possession, and paraphernalia. Tiffany was additionally charged with criminal trespass when they were caught fleeing from an officer.

Intoxicated mother roughhouses with juvenile daughter and pulls her hair

35-year-old Kimberly Navas was charged with domestic assault after roughhousing and pulling her daughter’s hair while under the influence.

Google Chromebook thrown at daughter’s head for being disrespectful

feat Smith, Latonya

37-year-old Latonya Smith was charged with domestic assault after she threw a Google Chrome at her juvenile daughter’s head.

Intoxicated woman causes ruckus after night of drinking at Night Deposit

feat Majors Tinisha

28-year-old Tinisha Majors was charged with public intoxication after causing a disturbance and being repeatedly asked to stop yelling and cursing in the middle of the street, per report.