Women fight over pills; man intervenes and witnesses who threw the first punch

45-year-old Michelle Coffey was charged with domestic assault after she had an argument with another female over pills which got physical and she claimed it was self-defense, but a witness said she threw the first punch.

On September 16th, Clarksville Police Officer Rattray was dispatched to 2201 Eldos Trace Circle regarding a domestic situation. The officer spoke with Michelle Coffey, John Coffey, and Samantha Farmer. Farmer told Officer Rattray that she and Michelle had gotten into an argument because she had taken some of Michelle’s pills. Farmer explained she knew Michelle was going to sell the pills to buy drugs. According to the affidavit, Michelle struck Farmer in the face causing her to strike back in defense.

Michelle Coffey (MCSO)
Michelle Coffey (MCSO)

Michelle told police that Farmer pushed her to try to take her pills, which was why she swung at her. At this point, John broke up the fight, Michelle stepped outside, and Farmer went upstairs. When Michelle entered the house again, Farmer was back downstairs and they began arguing again. During their altercation, Farmer insulted Michelle which caused her to come at Farmer, grabbing her and hitting her in the face. Michelle told police that when she came back inside Farmer held her down by her throat on the couch and tried to take her pills again. John had to break them apart again and said that Michelle threw the first punch so Farmer was merely protecting herself.

Michelle Coffey was arrested and charged with domestic assault and she had an active warrant for shoplifting. She is currently jailed in lieu of a $1,250 bond.

Sebastian Shaw

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