Woman charged with assault after clawing friend who didn’t want her to drink and drive

53-year-old Paulette Morton was charged with domestic assault after she was involved in a February incident where she scratched the victim after being told she was too drunk to drive.

On February 19th, Paulette Morton was involved in a scratching incident during an early birthday celebration at 56 Vanleer Street in Lincoln Homes. Morton wanted to go out, but the resident told Morton it would be best to stay home due to their drinking.

Paulette Morton (MCSO)

According to the affidavit, the resident tried to physically stop Morton from leaving the house. The resident told Clarksville Police Department Officer Novenario Morton scratched him on the face and hand. Morton denied physically injuring the resident and that it was only a verbal dispute. The officer investigated the evidence and statements and determined that Morton was the primary aggressor.

On May 11th, Paulette Morton was arrested and charged with domestic assault. Her bond was set at $2,500.

Tip Campbell

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