58-year-old Steven Perry Cobb is free on a $30,000 bond after police say he brutally attacked his girlfriend while drinking. He is alleged to have accused her of using him, slapped her while she was on the toilet, threw her to the ground by her hair, suffocated her with his hands, and ripped her clothes…
Clarksville Police served Steven Cobb with an outstanding warrant on January 4th. The warrant charges him with aggravated domestic assault, interference with a 911 call, and false imprisonment from a December 21st incident with his girlfriend, Jennie Mauser. On that day, police responded to their Ringgold Road apartment and located the victim who had bruising and marks on her face, neck, and body.
According to an incident report, between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. that evening, her boyfriend, Steven Cobb, became agitated after drinking and came into the bathroom where she was on the toilet, and accused her of ‘using him’. He then retreated to the kitchen of the home and smashed a wine bottle into pieces before returning to the restroom and getting on his knees as an attempt to indicate he was not pleased with his behavior. The victim states she attempted to comfort Cobb, at which time he stood from his knees and turn around and slapped her while she was still on the toilet. The victim cried, and Cobb reportedly struck her in the face again.
The victim yelled for help, at which time Cobb took her cell phone and reportedly told her she was not going to call the police. She attempted to escape to the front door, at which time she states Cobb grabbed her by the hair and tossed her to the ground, pinning her to a bed frame and placing his hand over her nose and mouth in an attempt to suffocate her. The victim eventually stopped struggling and Cobb released his hold, and when she stood up he slammed her into the freezer. She then attempted to escape to the bedroom, however, Cobb grabbed her clothing and ripped her pants and nightgown. She says Cobb then slapped her butt and face.
Eventually, the victim was able to get some water to drink, at which time she called her son to alert the authorities. Cobb fled the scene, and multiple warrants were issued for his arrest.
Steven Perry Cobb was booked into the Montgomery County Jail, charged with aggravated domestic assault, false imprisonment, and interfering with an emergency call. He is free on a $30,000 bond via 2nd Chance Bonding. Cobb is scheduled to appear in court on January 15th, for a hearing to amend his bond conditions, which currently prevent contact with the victim.