On June 4th, a Snapchat video showed Fort Campbell non-commissioned officer Sergeant Benjamin Rubino reprimanding a junior soldier for having #BLM and BLACK LIVES MATTER written on his personal vehicle. The soldier pointed out that Rubino was sporting a confederate flag on the roof of his truck.
Scoop: Clarksville received a video through the Scoop Tips link. The video reveals a specialist on Fort Campbell, Kentucky being reprimanded by a non-commissioned officer for having #BLM and BLACK LIVES MATTER written on his car.
Both soldiers are in the 101st Sustainment Brigade “Liferliners” and the NCO was identified as Sergeant Benjamin Rubino. Rubino is a Motor Transport Operator (88M) in 74th CTC (Composite Truck Company), 129th CSSB (Combat Sustainment Support Battalion).
Rubino can be heard telling the junior soldier having the writing on his car is participating in a protest while in uniform. The specialist points out that Rubino is talking to him with a confederate flag pinned to the roof of his truck, questioning the difference between the two visual statements.
We spoke with Tyra Cole who takes full credit for recording the video off of Snapchat and disseminating it on various social media platforms. She told us the soldier wrote on his vehicle with melted crayon and was already facing backlash from his chain of command. The Army made quick work of releasing a public relations article explaining that the two soldiers in the conflict had sat down and agreed to remove the symbols from their car, Cole denies that is true. A Youtube video that has since been removed showed Sergeant Shyrone Clark confronting Rubino. Benjamin Rubino disabled his Facebook profile as well.
The original tip that contained the attached video also stated this probably was not the “way to appropriately approach someone about this from a professional point of view, backed by regulation, in a tumultuous time for racial issues.”
I have the unfortunate pleasure of knowing this racist, we were once neighbors. He loves to say, “I’m not racist, I have a black dog and 4 black tires.” He has called me a black gorilla and even tried to fight me, a woman! He will joyfully call a black person a nigger and not think twice about it.
Well hell, that isn’t very swell. Any man who tries to fight a woman is not man at all.
Am I wrong?